A Long Deep Breath On Jussie


If you’ve never been heartbroken about the oft-erased real victims of real hate crimes, please examine your interest in this one, high-profile, possible hoax. No one should be embarrassed for approaching another human’s story with kindness or even true, open-minded curiosity.

And yes, it really never feels good to have your whole community falsely implicated in a crime.

So, MAGA-Country, now that you’ve felt a little of that pain, rise up and take your chance to perform radical acts of generosity, kindness, and reconciliation to disprove those stereotypical lies. Which is what marginalized people must do on a daily basis.::exhale::


Overnight Success

Have you ever heard a famous singer, actress, etc, being “discovered” and then becoming an “overnight success?” Gal Gadot is a famous example...One day, no one's heard of her. The next day, she's the most popular hero in the active DC film franchise. Ok, she may have been news to us, but she was working angles and stages, becoming proficient in hand-to-hand combat, long before that casting call. 

Well, it’s my anniversary (of dating,1st year)! As someone who was more of a casual dater than a hurry-up-and-mater, this is a milestone for me (and for the wonderful man who shifted my whole paradigm). It’s also a more than a little strange for me since I mostly planned to be single for a good long while. To be committed and in love from where I was just last year seems like an overnight success to me!

Transparently, on good days, being single felt freeing and exciting! And there were a lot of good days! On tougher days, it could be lonely, even infuriating. Lonely, because every so often there would times when it seemed “everyone” had figured something out that I didn't. Infuriating because singleness and womanhood seemed to invite unwanted contact, or unsolicited advice (some was useful, other was less-so…), and whispers behind my back. 

Having been basically single for my life, it's quite amusing to me that this has been going so well! And after 1 year, I have no illusions that I know enough to give “relationship advice”. So instead, here are some lessons that have helped me contribute to this “Overnight Success” - lessons that I'm grateful I learned while single:

1. Work on yourself, but not to please others. Work on yourself because you are gonna be living with you 24/7, and ain't no escaping yourself. 

2. Pay attention to how you feel before, during, and after spending time with a friend, mentor, or date. If you are saddled with dread just thinking about that next meeting, it's worth it to see if there are minor or major changes that can be made, in the plans, the conversation, or the relationship! Boundaries are healthy, even with loved ones. And just because they don't think they need to be behind the fence doesn't mean you can't maintain whatever you need. How many times was it fun to put down boundaries? None. How many times have I done it perfectly? Probably none. How many times have I regretted it? Also none.

3. Live your life! The gifts inside of you that have nothing to do with a partner (at least it doesn't right now!) Your knowledge, talents, and interests can make this world better, and while it's nice to have a partner around, you don't need one to make an impact!

4. Date a lot, date all kinds of people, and leave people better than you found them. Two individuals that I went out with got engaged to their very next partner. Did it sting for a second, uh you bet! But they were never meant to marry me, and we knew that long before we stopped talking. I gave kind feedback as things were ending, so I'd like to think I helped! Each ending helped me clarify what I wanted and didn’t want, and helped me notice when I was seeing what I needed in my partner! Worth it. 

5. YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF SOMEONE ELSE’S TIMING. You cannot rush them to be ready for you or make them wait. No one can rush you to be ready either. Discern what is the right move based upon the ACTUAL circumstances and persons involved, not according to peers, family, social context, or fantasy outcomes.

I don't know if singleness is a season, a calling, a memory, or a goal for you dear reader. All I can say is, with a little perspective, I'm glad for my singleness, especially now, and I hope you find the joy in yours as well.

Independence Day 2018

Are you, like me, struggling to connect with that celebratory spirit in this 4th of July? Is America not living up to your expectations? Does it not just recently, but regularly, let you down?

I believe in the potential of the USA. I grew up patriotic and will die that way. Sometimes we all need little reminders of why we love what we love though…Personally, I had to take a quick tour of the founding documents to give me some hope.

The Declaration of Independence

The “We hold these truths to be self evident” part is a challenge, cuz they didn’t include people like me in the whole “all men are created equal,” thing. They at least established a framework for us to fight for more “equal” equality in the following centuries.

Helpful: “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

Not Helpful: “He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

I’m encouraged to remember that our founders had some basic standards for the behavior of our head of state. It is also important to remember that they had glaring gaps in their vision of humanity. No human is a savage or an “animal.” History will surely judge our willingness to dehumanize our sisters and brothers on earth, as we can judge our forefathers.

The Constitution

Plenty of juicy tidbits here…

Article. I.Section. 3.

  • “Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.”

Random example: imagine a wild scenario where the President damages the state apparatus and instead helps a foreign head of state at the expense of US interests…Not only could he be removed from office, but he can ALSO be prosecuted for his other crimes, such as money laundering, sexual assault, or campaign finance violations, just to give some examples.


Article. II.Section. 2.

  • “[The President] shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.”

Good luck keeping associates quiet with promises of pardons…

Article. II.Section. 4.

  • “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

I never noticed “bribery” in there. My guess is that others missed it too. I understand, it’s easy to miss phrases in documents you never read.

Article VI

  • “No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

You don’t have to be “Christian enough” to be a member of Congress or the Supreme Court.

A note on amended sections:

It’s ok to love our nation and want it to be closer to the ideals it was founded on. But some of the ideals needed to be challenged. Case in point:

Article IV, section 2,

  • “No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due


“If a slave runs to a free state, he must be returned to his master.” Not great, guys. Slavery as part of our very foundation? No wonder our great great grandpappies and grandmammies had to fight like hell to clean this error up.

Fortunately, this was partially corrected by the 13th amendment.

Section 1.

  • Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Note: Slavery was not abolished for those who have been convicted of a crime. Seems like a loophole big enough to drive a Mac truck through. Convenient.

The point here is that there are many beautiful aspects to the U.S. and I’m stoked to celebrate them today. Maybe in reconnecting to America’s beauty, as well as admitting the things that are problematic, we can find hope and encouragement to do what we need to for a better country. Simply chucking norms out the window isn’t working.


For more information:

Our Founding Documents

13, an eye opening film

What’s the difference?

Not even Michael Cohen can bring down President 45 if Democrats keep inadvertently propping him up.

I am an officially a “decline-to-state” voter. I have a strong wish that my President demonstrate some sincere interest in and respect for American democratic norms and values, moral consistency, or, you know, basic decency. I’d also like to have minority representation in the White House beyond Dr. Ben Carzzzon and Omarosa. Needless to say, this administration has mainly been distressing and exhausting.

The 2017/2018 Republican party holds very little appeal for #NeverTrump-ers like me. It used committee resources to fund SUPER SHADY Roy Moore in Alabama and the finance chair used $1.6 million (of his money? Cohen’s money? RNC money? The President’s Money?) to cover up mistresses, babies, and abortions. Keep it.

So, I would LOVE to say we have viable opposition parties in our storied political system. I would be lying. This week, Democrats and independents had perfect opportunities to take a stand, as 45’s PERSONAL LAWYER was accused of taking BRIBES from TELECOM and DRUG COMPANIES! THIS STORY HAS EVERYTHING THAT PISSES AMERICANS OFF…ON A PLATTER…ROASTED, SEASONED, AND READY TO SERVE FOR SOME HOT POLITICAL DISCOURSE. Was I yelling? Apologies.

Dems will not take back ANY seat from ANYBODY, if they can’t “get the easy ones right,” to quote Mo Kelly (@MrMoKelly KFI radio host).

Here’s Rep. Joaquin Castro, Democrat from Texas, on The Daily Show this week:

(skip to 3:05 for the exchange)


Host: I’ve always thought of lobbying as corruption, so I don’t understand what the difference is between what they were doing with Michael Cohen (bribery) and what lobbying is.

Rep. Castro: …the easiest thing to say is…the guy has no background in healthcare, so why are you paying him…

Host: Right, but what is the difference between that and lobbying?

Rep Castro: Well usually these guys have to register…we know you’re accepting the money, we know what clients you’re taking on… you have an expertise in the field.

Host: Would you say then that the only difference really is that one is formalized and one isn’t?

Rep. Castro: That’s certainly the biggest difference, sure.

Democrats: They sure know how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Riddle me this: How do you #resist a system that you’re still making money from, Boo-Boo?

The answer we need (from any party’s member) is this: “Cohen’s receipt of and use of this money appears illegal, and it is being thoroughly investigated and prosecuted as appropriate. In addition, money has gained too much influence in our system overall. We are committed to running small donor campaigns and listening to our constituents, not corporations.”

And then, after you say all of that, back 👏🏽 it 👏🏽up 👏🏽 with 👏🏽policy 👏🏽. Thank you.

#TacoObsessed Resurrect the blog!

For the past month, at participating Jack in The Box locations, you can purchase a combo of 3 tacos and a small drink for $3. For this, I resurrect the blog! No, this voluntary blog post is not a paid advertisement. These tacos are truly my comfort food. I have no formal affiliation with Jack in the Box, but I DID write this while finishing my tacos, which I paid for.

Perhaps you don’t understand why this moves me. Perhaps you don’t quite get how Jack’s gets away with calling their fried tortilla pockets “tacos.”

Maybe you don’t relate to the sense of accomplishment I feel when managing the meat/cheese splooge in a regulated, upward fashion while not squeezing so hard to get it on your shirt. Maybe you don’t give yourself extra points for doing so while driving.

Maybe you have never appreciated that you could fill your belly for $0.99 (well, $1.98, because, there’s an unspoken 3 taco per person minimum; leftovers go to the hungriest person nearby, yourself included). Maybe you’re curious about how inflation left this product untouched for over 20 years.

Maybe you had a phase in high school when you ate too many and now you’re over it. Maybe you’re afraid to try them because your old roommate filled your living room with their distinct, hot-saucy smell and paper wrappers and it triggers you.

Maybe you made the fatal mistake of trying to determine the ingredients in these mush-packs. Maybe you feel guilty because you know it’s not health food, and you live clean now.

If that’s you, you’re right, this meal deal is ridiculous, and there is no logical argument I can make to you to explain it. I can only apologize. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry you haven’t had enough practice to learn the soft touch. I’m sorry that a piece of sauce covered lettuce shred dropped onto on your pants. I know you’re not really not a slob. It’s the taco.

I’m sorry that life has taught you to avoid things that are “too good to be true,” including inflation-proof, recession-proof, gentrification-proof tacos.

I’m sorry that your roommate was not a good steward of the 99 cent gift of taco and you were caught in his failure and mess.

I’m sorry that the diet you chose doesn’t allow “cheat days”.

But if you, like me, are #TacoObsessed…

…if your hands can cradle those tacos like the gentle mouth of a golden retriever doing an egg challenge…

…if taco Tuesday could be any day for you…

…if Jack’s tacos have been and will be there for you on your worst days…

…if you live in a culture where you “should know better,” but still crave these tacos almost as often as authentic ones…

…if you count the lettuce and hot sauce in those tacos as a serving of vegetables…

You know this is a big deal. I support you. I share your delight as you rapidly empty your series of paper sleeves. But please, drive safely.

Dear Black Man, An Open Letter

Dear Black Man,

  1. You exist in all shades.
  2. You can rock many styles.
  3. Whether or not your relationship worked out, you set aside quality time to raise me.
  4. When someone couldn’t or wouldn’t teach you, you taught yourself.
  5. You taught me about loyalty, sacrificing freedom and risking your life for America, as a member of her armed forces.
  6. You help me connect to the history that helps me feel like an agent in this world, not just a victim.
  7. You gave me the speech: “hands always visible, complete your business in the daytime, answer with ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’” because my life could depend on it.
  8. You gave me the other speech: “Plan to be twice as good to get half as much.”
  9. You challenge the other Black men and women to be better.
  10. You debate for the enjoyment of sharpening your own knowledge.
  11. You sought opportunity to better your life and mine. You went to school, found a mentor, honed your hustle, thought “outside the box,” invested before getting even a promise of return.
  12. You’re nerdy, athletic, artistic, and funny.
  13. You are yourself.
  14. You remind me not to internalize the hatred we couldn’t change or escape.
  15. You cared for me like your child, counseled me like your child, even though we weren’t related.
  16. You excel in hospitality, even toward people who do not extend the same hospitality your way.
  17. You corrected me when I judged someone who didn’t look like me, or seem to have what I have.
  18. You turn pain into soothing music.
  19. Even when you get no credit, or delayed credit, you continue your contributions to society.
  20. You perfected the act of turning scraps and leftovers into sustenance.
  21. You educate me about the harsher realities of this world.
  22. You get up, every day, at any hour necessary, to get to work and provide.
  23. Instead of responding to this world in despair, you lose yourself in a movie, you rest, you dance, you speak, you march, you write…
  24. You mirror God and point me to God.
  25. You insist that you and I have the same rights of humanity as anyone else, despite their privilege. And that is the most loving and the most dangerous thing you could have ever done.

There are so many reasons why your life matters, and why I love you. May your portrayals begin to match the weight of your gifts.

Live and rest in power,


Trump 2016, To What End?


After listening to o-so-many professional and personal (actual Trump voter) analyses about Trump 2016, I have one question:

If we are voting for a *businessman*, because we are a sick of politicians beholden to *businessmen*, then what do we prove? What does it solve?

To expand the point:

There is a large demographic of people who are really “doggamn” sick of career Washington politicians. They are tired of elected officials who need our votes but not our input. In fact, these politicians create an opinion based off of special interests and attempt to incept it back to us, as if we had thought of it ourselves. We’re a nation of chumps sitting up here like: “You know what, I never HAD considered whether that tall woman peeing in the next stall had male genitalia. Think of all the times I was almost raped, but for the grace of…” I shouldn’t bring God into this, but they did. And before the Republican Party started having a meltdown, I didn’t see any of that in my Facebook newsfeed.

These politicians -the ones we’re angry with- seem more motivated to do what their rich special interests want than what we need. These politicians have demonstrated that they do not care about us more than they care about their largest and most recent donations, and the success of their donors is frequently at odds with our success.

So, instead of dealing with the disgusting ways that money manipulates our representatives, we…take out the middle man? We vote directly for the special interest candidate instead of voting for the official he might have paid in any other election year? Would the Newsies, overworked and underpaid, have voted for their mean publisher, since “obviously he has all that money, so whatever he does is working.”? Yes, I referenced a musical to make a serious point. Don’t sue me, remember that this blog is free, and I am trying to avoid cliché references to Stockholm Syndrome and Jim Crow. ::Crap::


If you, personally, don’t fix the nation this year, at least see this movie and ponder the Gilded Age.

ANYHOO: To quote a man who will not get to be the president but sure was fun to watch, “Let me be clear:” if neither of these candidates have a serious plan to address 1) the underrepresentation of Americans in politics, and 2) the impact of Citizen’s United; then they can go ahead and miss me with whatever else they do have planned.





For Tamir, For Sandra, who could not get justice, even for the price of their lives:

The feelings come in waves:





When it comes to this week in the news, it feels like it’s all been said. But nothing changes. So, I sit here trying to make sense of it all. Our men, women, and children are being killed in the streets.

I know this feeling, it’s “stuck.” As a counselor, working with chronic addictions, my work often involves consulting the stages of change, hoping for a different perspective when my patient seems to be stuck. I ask myself, “If their goal is to sober up, but it doesn’t seem to be happening, what could we be missing?” I consult the chart (provided for your reference below):


Precontemplation: “It’s a problem from my perspective, but it’s not a problem for them yet.”

Contemplation: “It can be pretty overwhelming to realize the extent of a problem…perhaps getting to know the related factors would help.”

Planning: “Maybe they feel ready to try to change, but can’t quite figure out how.”

Action: “Wow they tried something new!” This is when there is something we can observe!

Maintanence: “Their working on holding on to status quo.”

Relapse: “Something about the plan, or the execution of the plan, didn’t take everything into account. What did we miss?”

And then, hopefully, we go back into contemplation and planning, etc.

When it comes to this moment, wherever you find yourself…related to change, please just be open to the fact that something, somewhere needs to be done. I’m not sure what can be done, but I’m over contemplation, and I’d like to move into planning. I am like many who love people and desire this country to demonstrate its founding ideals (the theoretical ideals, like “liberty and justice for all,” of course, not, you know, racism and slavery).

Precontemplation: “There is no problem. Racism is over. I’m not racist.”

I’m going to bet that you probably don’t have a problem with racism. You are probably not a racist. But please PLEASE do not tell someone else that the racism they have experienced, for real, does not exist in this country. There is a generation of people actually suffocating, LITERALLY DYING, under this weight, these snap judgements based upon the color of our skin. Tamir Rice was 12 years old. He was killed in 2 seconds! Black children are routinely policed as though they are 4 years older than their biological age. They are more likely to be shot in a simulation or assumed to be a threat. That’s because of thousands of images and messages and jokes and hiring choices and news stories that condition us to see race as a referendum on character. I’m so grateful that I don’t experience racial bias daily, but I have experienced it recently, my parents experienced it, my grandparents experienced it. And I don’t just mean 2 decades ago, this is not a Pre-bama issue. THERE IS A PROBLEM IN 2015. That’s why there are mothers and fathers and children in the streets protesting and weeping instead of playing board games until school comes back into session.

Click this link please, and then click all of the other links therein, until you find yourself moved: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/at-the-edge/2015/05/06/institutional-racism-is-our-way-of-life

Contemplation: “Wow, clearly some people are obsessed with these problems of killings and lack of convictions. Why are there so many dead Black people on the news? Why are there so many Black criminals? Why did the police shoot them? Maybe the killings were justified and that’s why no one is going to jail.”

Yes, some of these people did commit crimes (not at any higher rate than whites though). But let’s consult our civics training: In America, when you commit a crime, you should be cited for a minor offense, or arrested and tried for a major offense. Then, after a judge and a jury of your peers reviews the case, they decide on a punishment.

There are several practical issues though with these shootings:

  • It turns out, that if you are shot on the scene, and you die, it’s really difficult to provide your testimony per your legal right. There will be no charges, no jury, no judge.
  • The people who decide if a police action should be reviewed…well, they usually work with the police every day. No one wants to piss off their local police department, especially district attorneys, so they don’t bring charges.
  • The “jury” that decides if the death was justified…well they are often a biased bunch too. Not evil, not mean, just biased.

And I haven’t even almost nicked the surface of the issues with the news coverage, with who gets pulled over and who doesn’t, with who can vote and who can’t…etc.

If this is at all interesting to you, I’d recommend these:





Planning: “This problem seems so big. It’s been going on for so long. It’s so entrenched. And then all the deaths not even related to police! What can I even do?”

I’ve been mostly sitting here in planning mode, gals and guys, for too many weeks, months, years. Encouragement and ideas are much appreciated. And I encourage you: It didn’t take a day to create this problem, and it won’t take a day to get rid of it. What are your skills? What are your gifts? How can you contribute something positive in such a depressing situation? Could you paint for Sandra Bland? Walk for Tamir? Spend more time with people who are different from you? Run for local office (or national office! Have you SEEN these candidates?) Donate to a charity? Debate the misinformed? Pray for solutions and pursue the answer?


However you decide to improve this nation, please do it. And please share the results with others, we need all the change we can get right now (I know I do). And please research before you vote next year.

As far as Maintanence and Relapse, when we find something that works, let’s revisit these.

May the Lord bless the work of our hands and the love in our hearts. #BlackLivesMatter

Martin Verdict: Chain Emails Don’t Hurt People. People Who Share Them Without Researching First? They Hurt People.

With a smirk that seemed to drip smug superiority, an acquaintance shoved his iphone at me from across the lunch table. “Do you know who this is?” expecting that I wouldn’t be able to give the correct answer. Fortunately, I knew EXACTLY who that was. And I was ready to tell him.

“Uh…yeah! Oh, what’s his name, I know him he’s a rapper…” I replied. Betrayed again by that too-familiar, tip-of-my-tongue feeling, I thought.

“No,” he replied, “Look again.” His smugness turned patronizing.

“No? Yeah! That IS him! He’s famous, I’ll look him up.” I had barely pulled out my cell phone when my lunch companion answered his own question with a chuckle.

“That’s Trayvon Martin.”

I looked up to make sure he was serious. I mean, he did chuckle. But no, he was just amused, not telling a joke, not playing a prank. HE WAS SERIOUS. He handed me his phone so that I could read the chain email sent to him by another acquaintance. After a quick scan, I was annoyed. It made statements about how this was a picture of the “real” Trayvon, not those sweet football jersey pics that the biased liberal media was running. There was something in there about how this picture “changes” the story. They didn’t say WHY it changes the story, but the message is obvious. I mean, look at that scowling, beefy, Black, tattooed dude! Who wouldn’t fear for their lives and shoot him?

I gave him his phone back.

A rather flattering picture of The Game. Long sleeves, nice jeans, I ain’t mad. Hey, does anyone else notice that he DOES NOT look like a 17 year old?

After 10-15 seconds of searching, I found the actual answer to his question, not that he even wanted it anymore. The picture was of The Game, an LA rapper, former member of G-Unit. Now I was the one shoving my phone in his face, my Google search for The Game showed pictures and his given name (Jayceon Terrell Taylor). I’ll admit that I felt a little smug, as he compared the tattoos of The Game to the tattoos in the fake picture of “Trayvon”, and told me I was right. (“You’re right” is not as good as “You’re right, and I’m sorry, and I’ll reply to the email chain about the fact that this is wrong,” but it’s better than doubling-down on stupidity. In this day and age, hearing “You’re right” is, frankly, a miracle.)

The subject changed briefly. Then my lunchmate asked some ill-conceived question along the lines of, “even though that wasn’t really a picture of Trayvon, wouldn’t you be afraid for your life if you were in a fight with that rapper guy?” Irritation turned to anger. But I did not want to make a scene in the restaurant. His question was so rude and offensive, that I would’ve spent my whole lunch hour to pick it apart anyway. So I sternly stated what I felt was truth: Zimmerman followed Martin on foot after being told not to, and brought a gun to a non-fight. Whatever happened that night, Martin did not deserve to die for it. The subject changed again and it stayed changed. I looked calm. I told myself I was calm. But lunch soon ended and I wasn’t really calm.

I have the problem that most people have when getting utterly blindsided by stupidity. I think of 100 brilliant things to say after the moment is passed. I regretted that I had been concerned about making a scene. Trapped in politeness, I might have let ignorance prevail. And then the word microaggression flashed into my head.

Microaggression is a social psychological term that means exactly what you’d think. A microaggression is tiny: these little offenses build and build. Each offense seems so small, that nothing can be done, but still, they are insidious and destructive somehow. It’s death by 1000 razor-cuts. It’s racial or sexual or age-related or weight-related. It could be intentional or accidental or passive-aggressive, and it’s rarely easy to tell which type has occurred. I worked hard to minimize that conversation, so that I wouldn’t look and feel as angry as I felt (because God-forbid, I reflect a stereotype of angry Black women while fighting a stereotype of delinquent Black men):

I mean, who gives a crap about a dumb chain email? Didn’t those things die out with the 90’s (Okay, the 90’s are still alive in my mind, but chain emails? Really??? Too afraid to share it publicly on Twitter? Instagram that picture. Geeze.) How many people could have seen that email, and who cares what that guy thinks anyway? I don’t. Ha, ignorance is just alive and well, I guess.

It was all an automated exercise in shoving. SHOVE-SHOVE-SHOVE the anger down until I can deal with it later…knowing that later might never come. Unfortunately, you cannot shove anger and stress down without consequences. Microagressions, and the pattern of being offended, not feeling the right or power to do anything about it, shoving it down, rinsing, repeating…all adds up to seriously high rates of hypertension, pregnancy complications, and shorter life spans in the Black community.

So, I had to look at that anger, for my own sake. I realized that it was the email, and the writer and sharers of that email, that really made me mad. My companion’s willingness to believe the lies and waste my lunch with foolishness that had been debunked here and here over a year ago was not helping his case at any rate, but it was mostly the email. Here’s why:

1)      Tattoos are not an invitation to be followed home from a Skittles run and shot in the heart. Martin wasn’t even tatted up anyway. Regardless, he may not have looked like a cute little-leaguer. But even if he was 9 feet tall, wearing a hoodie screenprinted with, “I’m big, Black, and dangerous,” he should have been able to go to the store for Skittles, and come back alive.

2)      Zimmerman might not have been racist (yes, I really believe that Zimmerman might not have been a racist), but that email is DEFINITELY racist. It reminds me of a scene in the movie Hurricane. A violent shooting occurs, and Denzel Washington’s character (a famous boxer) is pulled over the same night while driving home with his friend. The officers inform him that they are looking for the suspects: two Black men in a Pontiac. Denzel replies sarcastically, “Any two will do?” He’s arrested, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison for a crime he did not commit. The point being that as long as a Black person gets punished when something bad happens, who cares which Black person it is? I imagine that whoever constructed that string of lies and sent it as an email didn’t care whose picture he used, as long as the guy was big and Black (nevermind that The Game looks to be at least twice Martin’s age). “Hey, they all look alike, any Black man will do…copy-paste…sent!” Disgusting.

3)      There are always, ALWAYS two sides to every story. HOWEVER: this is NOT one of those, “there’s blame to be had on everyone’s part” situations. Zimmerman probably did fear for his life. But he is the reason that there was a fight and a gun in that spot on the wet concrete that night. I’m not saying he should be sent to jail for life, just for being a dummy with a gun one night. But the message of the chain email was pretty clearly: “Trayvon wasn’t an angel, so it’s sorta okay that he’s dead now.” Huh? And it’s sorta okay if a stripper is raped, or if the class clown is bullied? Even if Martin smoked weed, had problems with fighting at school, and a possible past incidence of theft, it is NOT OKAY to send chain emails about how it’s sorta understandable that he’s dead now.

4)      People are going to read that email, and believe it, and share it because they want it to be true. Sadly, there are still people who need a reason to be okay with the death of a Black teenager. Notice, they are already okay with it, they just want a reason to soothe the mind. “If Martin was as tough as he looks in that picture, anyone would have to use a gun on him, right?” Nope. Still wrong. Tough guys should be able to get Skittles too, walk home, and protect themselves from the unidentified man with a gun who is following them. Nice try though.

5)      People who read that email and don’t believe it, but don’t feel like finding the truth might not ever find out the truth. People who know exactly why the email is false might not take the time to reply to the sender, and let them know that the email has no basis in fact. And so ignorance could not simply persist, but spread unchecked!

You know, I think therein is an answer. Ignorance cannot be fought with anger, or complaining; it must be fought with honesty, with information. We all have options. No one is trapped, if they have truth and are willing to share it. That’s where you and I and all those people who like to click the forward button come in.


The real Trayvon, 9 days prior to his death. (Courtesy: snopes.com)

— AABetterPlace is dedicated to the idea that each person can make the world, their world, a better place: one decision, one word, one action at a time.

What does this title have in common with a cow and an Oreo?

There’s a funny thing that happens when you volunteer to do something for charity. You often get to fundraise. And by, “You often get to fundraise,” I mean, I right now need to ask everyone I know and don’t really know for money. Okay, now we’re on the same page.

Now, we all have people in our lives who don’t hesitate to ask us for things. You know the ones. They call you when their tire is flat. They ask you to watch the kids. They need some help with the bills. If the relationship you have with that person is reciprocal, you might call that part of being friends. If the relationship is one-sided, however, words like “moocher” and “needy” might have already flashed through your brain.

No one wants to think of himself or herself as a moocher. Even the word sounds lazy and disgusting as it rolls off the tongue. “Moocher” sounds like something a cow would say as it chews it’s regurgitated stomach contents for the fourth time, instead of just swallowing and digesting and applying for jobs like other human beings. (Well, somebody has to raise the standards for cows, or else they’ll just stay like that!) “mooooOOOOOOoooocherrrr.”

Mmm…Cud… (cagelessthinking.com)

My unofficial poll of people I know (in: The Journal of I Listen When My Friends Talk, 2013) suggests that most of us think that we don’t like to ask for help. We don’t like to bother others with our problems. But, we all need things, and sometimes, we just cannot give those things to ourselves. And when we need something that we cannot get ourselves, we can either ask for help, or suffer without it and hope that someone notices that our suffering. That’s why babies cry for things before they develop language: the majority of parents will move heaven and earth to satisfy their needs for food, comfort, attention… As we grow, we learn that wailing at the top of our lungs is not the primary solution to most problems (although we still cry, some adults more than others). But we find other ways to “cry” out for help.  We run 10 minutes late to everything because we have booked our busy lives too tightly, and don’t have the strategies to cope with it all. We post ambiguous Facebook statuses that make our friends and aunties all message us comforting words (except our great-aunt Ruth, who just clicks ‘like’ on everything she reads – she doesn’t understand how social net-pouting works). We look sad until someone asks us what’s wrong, then spew out 20 years of disappointments, hurts, and pains on them. At that point, they’re just another heartless jerk if they don’t give us what we want. Sadly, I’ve been a giver and receiver for all of these methods of crying for assistance. They frequently cheapened the gift of the giver, and naturally drive people apart.

When it comes to raising multiple thousands of dollars, the indirect approach is both unfair, and mostly useless. Knowing that direct fundraising is a complicated relational interaction, I have kept my eyes wide open for life-lessons to encourage me to ask in direct ways, without seeming like a moOOOOoocher. One such lesson came to me as I was with my little sister in downtown Hollywood. We were in an area formerly known as the Kodak theater, looking at the illuminated signs of Best Picture winning films. A hipster chick sat on a long staircase in her maxi dress, and posed casually as her hipster boyfriend snapped “candid” pictures of her. The woman pulled a full-size package of Oreos out of her bag. As she opened them and went to eat one, I noticed the packaging and yelled up to her, “HOLY CRAP, ARE THOSE TRIPLE STUFFED OREOS???” My excitement was, shall we say, thinly veiled. She yelled down to me, with a matching lack of self-consciousness, “YES! THEY ARE!” Before I even knew what I was doing, I yelled, “CAN I HAVE ONE?” She yelled back “OF COURSE!” and held out the tray of Oreos as I hopped up the stairs and grabbed one. It wasn’t until my little sister politely declined to join our Oreo party that I realized that I had literally taken a cookie from a stranger, in the epicenter of sketch-county. (Sorry Mom and Dad! At least it wasn’t candy?) But, after some brief calculations (Need to eat Oreo >/= Risk of poisoning), I ate that Oreo, and it was triply delicious.

I could have ignored that young lady. I could have ignored the part of me that wanted to experience this new Oreo reality. I could have given her a dirty look out of jealousy. I could have made sad puppy-dog eyes at her until she had to feed me. But then, I wouldn’t have had the joy of that moment, sharing that brief excitement with her. My day was brighter, her day was brighter, and it only cost me the willingness to ask, and her, the 20 cent cookie. Notice, I only took ONE cookie, and the next time I wanted Oreos, I wasn’t texting her to meet me at the spot to hook me up – i.e. NOT MOOCHING.

Believe it or not, the airline will not let me pay my way to South Africa in sandwich cookies (and sadly, not everyone keeps Oreos on hand to donate), I’m working to transfer that willingness to ask directly for small things into bigger requests. I wrote out detailed fundraising letters for members of my church, and you know what? The most immediate, generous donation toward the trip today came from a friend who didn’t even bother to read the letter I handed her. She didn’t need my explanation, my details, my story, she already had 1) her own generous personality and her care for me, and 2) my willingness to give her that letter and effectively say, “I’m fundraising, and would you be willing to help?” It immediately made me think of Oreos. Sometimes, if you ask for help with your needs, people will just say yes to you. Mooching need not apply. (The title, cow, and Oreo are all black and white, incidentally.)


This is not a travel blog. Or a fundraising blog. This is a blog that I started to encourage you to encourage and help others. It is here to foster positivity, thought, and discussion. If you feel the desire to give toward the work that our group will be doing in Kayamandi, South Africa, thank you. I am receiving donations, and you can donate here: www.gapcommunity.com/donate [Click the “Thank Me” check box and put AA-Africa so that the organization knows that you came from this site].  However, if you don’t give to this project, please click around, enjoy, and comment! Stories of preparation, travel, and hard work will be here waiting.